Graphic Design Courses are Professional & well researched
Trained over 13947+ Successful Students since past 30+ years
Indepth & Advance Graphic Design Course + Live Projects
Our Student Testimonial
There is a friendly environment & intensive training, & relevant teaching method. I did over 75+ projects in Photoshop, Illustrator, Coreldraw. 100% hands on training is very helpful. Thank you SOFTPRO. For making my career !
After joining SOFTPRO, my progress in computer has been tremendous. Excellent training on Graphics and working on LIVE Projects has helped me cope in the industry. I have been taught how to design professional looking and good quality web sites. With its friendly atmosphere and helpful faculty, I have achieved a lot !
After doing the course, I have started my Graphic & Web Designing work at home & earning very well. Thanks for teaching how to make Professional Logos, Brochures & Websites, How to take Domain Name, Hosting a Website. And how to Market the website & make it more powerful with 2D !
Softpro Graphic & Web Academy is - excited
- happy
about our students
- excited
- happy
13,947+ Students have enrolled for our courses. Meet our students.
Professional & well researched Graphic Design Courses
Graphic Designing Training Studio is a part of Softpro Computers, Founded in 1992, Softpro Computers, has been imparting Computer Training Courses to some of the largest Multi National Companies of India. Graphic Designing Training Studio is one of the Best Graphic Designing Training Institute. We at Graphic Designing Training Studio, train you on ALL the aspects for Graphic Designing, Fashion Designing, Web & Gaphic Designing, Graphic Design & 2D Animation…. the tips and tricks …. which will lead you to a successful career or business!
“We wish you Success and happiness in whatever you do ….. where ever you join….”
Top Class computer training courses are provided in our centers. Our Computer Training Institute has over 100 Computers in total in all our computer training classes.